Can the UPR Advance Global Women’s Rights? Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa
›At the opening of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York this past March, UN Secretary-General António Guterres underscored the importance of stepping up national and global efforts to advance the rights of women. Guterres observed that “many women and girls are also facing a war on their fundamental rights at home and in their communities. Hard-fought progress is being reversed.”
World Population Day: Revitalizing Discourse on Population, Development, and Rights
›July 11 is World Population Day—designated annually by the United Nations as a focused opportunity to examine population trends and their implications for society. This year, World Population Day offers a chance to reflect on the 30th anniversary of one of the largest and arguably most influential world population conferences in history—the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
New Injectable Promises Complete Protection from HIV for Young Women
›Last month, the biopharmaceutical company Gilead shared groundbreaking results from a recent clinical trial (PURPOSE1) for long-acting injectable HIV prevention. The twice-yearly injectable drug, lenacapavir, provided total protection from HIV for a test group of 2,134 women in Uganda and South Africa. While lenacapavir has been used to treat multi-drug resistant HIV since 2022, this trial marks the first usage as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP is one tool to prevent the virus, and refers to anti-retroviral medication taken by people who do not have HIV to reduce the risk of contracting it through sexual transmission or injection drug use. These new findings offer immense promise for the future of PrEP as a global tactic to protect young women from contracting HIV.
An Essential Handbook for Reproductive Global Health
›Dot-Mom // Guest Contributor // April 24, 2024 // By Cecilia Van Hollen & Nayantara Sheoran AppletonAs the world becomes increasingly interconnected through travel, communication, and information, interdisciplinary approaches to address global and reproductive health issues are crucial. And as the politics of reproductive healthcare are shifting in uneven ways across the globe, the need for deep understanding of local contexts within a globalized world is ever more vital. Our recently published, co-edited Wiley Blackwell handbook, A Companion to the Anthropology of Reproductive Medicine and Technology provides a sweeping overview of studies of reproduction from an anthropologically informed lens with a commitment to interdisciplinary approaches at the intersection of medical anthropology, feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS), global and public health, and critical analyses of both gender and sexuality and of race and ethnicity.
Humanity Beyond Borders
›“The health care challenges faced by refugees and displaced people are complex and multi-dimensional,” said John Thon Majok, Director of the Wilson Center’s Refugee and Forced Displacement Initiative (RAFDI). “This requires not only understanding the drivers of displacement but also analysis of the barriers to healthcare as well as innovative ways to address them.”
International Day for Maternal Health and Rights: Promoting the Right to Health for Pregnant People Globally
›April 11 is the International Day for Maternal Health and Rights. Globally, 800 women die each day from preventable causes due to pregnancy and childbirth. Improving maternal health outcomes and preventing maternal deaths requires a human rights-based approach that protects a person’s right to survive childbirth, to access high-quality health care, to government accountability, to equity and non-discrimination when accessing care, and to family planning and contraception. Enshrining these rights for all pregnant people is key to meaningful progress towards the prevention of maternal deaths globally.
ECSP Weekly Watch: March 4 – 8
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Climate Change Disproportionately Impacts Rural Women (U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization)
A recent report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization analyzed data from 24 low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) across five regions and over 100 thousand rural households to measure the impacts of climate change on rural women, youth, and people living in poverty. It found that climate change’s impacts disproportionately impact households headed by women, with income losses due to extreme heat (8% income loss) and flooding (3% income loss), relative to households led by men. The income gap between men and women was also widened as a result.
REPORT LAUNCH | Population Trends and the Future of US Competitiveness
›From the Wilson Center // February 5, 2024 // By Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba, Lauren Herzer Risi & Sarah B. BarnesThis article is adapted from “Population Trends and the Future of US Competitiveness”
Demographic issues intersect with a number of policy priorities on the congressional agenda, including the economy, immigration, health care and foreign policy, but how population trends influence policy outcomes is often overlooked or misunderstood. In a new report, we explore how population dynamics have changed dramatically over the last few decades, and what these changes mean for the economic and security interests of the United States.
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